February 8, 2002

HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENT number ___1___ to HOUSE BILL 130, as amended

Amendment sponsored by Representative Ben Lujan

1. Strike House Taxation and Revenue Committee Amendment 5.

2. On page 6, line 16, strike the second occurrence of "and" and insert in lieu thereof "or".

3. On page 6, line 16, after "transferees" insert "or their respective representatives or agents".

4. On page 6, lines 22 and 23, strike "all transferors and" and insert in lieu thereof "the".

5. On page 7, line 6, after "clerk" strike the remainder of the line, strike all of lines 7 through 9 and line 10 through "compliance" and insert in lieu thereof "may accept for recording any deed, real estate contract or memorandum of real estate contract transferring or evidencing the transfer of any interest in real property and shall indicate on such transferring instrument the receipt of affidavit".

6. On page 8, line 3, strike "quitclaim".

7. On page 8, line 4, after "disputes" insert "or any deed dated prior to January 1, 2003".


Ben Lujan

Adopted ___________________ Not Adopted ___________________________

 (Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date ________________