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SPONSOR: | Garcia | DATE TYPED: | 03/03/01 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Pain Management Study | SB | SM22 | ||||
ANALYST: | Esquibel |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
N/A |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Relates to SB2, SB319, HB431
Board of Nursing
NM Health Policy Commission (HPC)
NM Board of Medical Examiners
No Response
Department of Health (DOH)
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Memorial 22 requests HPC conduct a study in conjunction with the Board of Medical Examiners, Board of Nursing and DOH on issues related to pain management.
Significant Issues
HPC is concerned it will not have sufficient resources to perform additional studies.
Senate Memorial 22 relates to:
SJM22 also relates to federal legislation concerning pain management therapy and issues of assisted suicide vs. provider liability for using controlled substances to control pain.