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SPONSOR: | Synder | DATE TYPED: | 03/12/01 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Renew Drivers' Licenses at Senior Centers | SB | SJM82 | ||||
ANALYST: | Hayes |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
Indeterminate |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Taxation and Revenue Department
No response
State Agency on Aging
Synopsis of Bill
SJM82 requests that a pilot project be conducted in the Albuquerque area to determine the feasibility of allowing senior citizens to renew their drivers' licenses at certain senior centers. The memorial asks the Secretary of the Taxation and Revenue Department to work together with the State Agency on Aging, the City of Albuquerque Department of Senior Affairs or other local agencies serving senior citizens.
Significant Issues
The proposal to provide drivers' license renewal services for seniors at senior center is precipitated by two assumptions:
1. Many MVD offices, particularly in the Albuquerque area, are very crowded with long lines and long waiting periods at most times of the day.
In fact, the waiting time in all Albuquerque MVD field offices has decreased over the last year and continues to decrease because of e-commerce development and on-line services (such as IVR). Additionally, because drivers can now purchase 8-year licenses and obtain 2-year vehicle registrations, MVD field offices services have shorter lines. Under the Accountability in Government Act, one of MVD's performance measures is related to "waiting time." The goal is to reduce average waiting time to less than 15 minutes in high volume offices. If MVD staff is directed to be "in the field" at senior citizen centers, then services at field offices would be adversely effected.
In addition, the statement that there are "long waiting periods at most times of the day" is incorrect. MVD has conducted extensive studies to assess the busiest days of the month and the busiest times of the day in order to staff offices appropriately in order to be more efficient and service-oriented. There are documented trends for slow times and busy times in all high volume offices. Detailed reports can be provided by the Motor Vehicle Division.
2. Allowing senior citizens to renew their drivers' licenses at senior centers would relieve some of the workload at motor vehicle offices.
Because of the technologies and efficiencies being implemented in motor vehicle field offices, a reduction in senior citizens' field office visits would not appreciably affect workload.
There are other significant issues that need to be considered in a feasibility study of this kind. Examples are:
The cost of a mobile unit or similar configuration is unknown at this time. However, in conducting a feasibility study, the Motor Vehicle Division will compile estimated costs.
According to Taxation and Revenue, if the department participated in developing a pilot program to determine feasibility of renewing drivers' licenses at senior citizen centers, the extent of associated administrative costs would depend on the extent of the program and participation by other agencies.