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SPONSOR: | Nava | DATE TYPED: | 02/09/01 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | NMSU Master of Arts Learning | SB | 37/aSEC | ||||
ANALYST: | Gilbert |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
$ 200.0 | Recurring | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
The Original Bill Duplicates HB141
LFC Files
Commission for Higher Education (CHE)
CHE Files - Special Funding Requests Submitted by NMSU
Synopsis of SEC Amendment
The Senate Education Committee amendment to Senate Bill 37 adds language to clarify that this new program is a master's of education degree with an emphasis in distance education, rather than a master's of distance education degree. The language in this amendment clarifies how the $200.0 appropriation is to be used: offer a master's degree in education with an emphasis in learning technologies and endorsement for information technology coordinators through distance education, including faculty expenses and acquisition of course supplies and computer equipment.
Synopsis of Original Bill
Senate Bill 37 appropriates $200.0 to New Mexico State University (NMSU) to establish a new Master of Arts degree in Education, specializing in distance education technology.
Significant Issues
This proposal would create a new master's level degree program in the College of Education to prepare teachers for integrating new technologies into the teaching process.
The appropriation of $200.0 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY02 shall revert to the general fund.
NMSU submitted the following budget for this program including 3.0 FTE to the CHE.
Salaries (3.0 FTE) $120,000
Fringe Benefits $23,700
Supplies/Equipment $30,000
Travel $10,000
Other $16,300
TOTAL $200,000
The following is provided for informational purposes only is not intended to assess the merits of this program/project:
The NMSU Board of Regents ranked this project first out of four proposals in their "Instruction and General Programs" category and this proposal was presented to the CHE for consideration via the research and public service project funding process. The CHE, however, did not recommend funding this program.
According to the CHE, this program does not currently exist. 21-1-24 NMSA 1978, states that any graduate program that is to benefit from state funding must be first approved by the CHE and the State Board of Finance. The process for graduate degree program approval is in 5 NMAC 5.2. This program has not yet been presented for review per the regulatory process.