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SPONSOR: | Park | DATE TYPED: | 03/02/01 | HB | 940 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Public Hearings on Zoning Changes | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Wilson |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Attorney General's Office (AG)
Synopsis of Bill
HB 940 amends sections of the Municipal Code governing zoning to permit a municipal or county zoning authority to designate a land-use hearing officer to hold public hearings and approve proposed changes in zoning regulations and to hear and decide appeals to the zoning authority from decisions by any administrative officer, commission or committee in the enforcement of zoning statutes and ordinances.
Significant Issues
HB 940 may affect policy making of the municipal bodies by allowing a substantial delegation of authority to a hearing officer to change zoning ordinances, decide appeals, and grant zoning variances. A hearing officer, appointed pursuant to this bill, would have authority make significant land use decisions, not merely recommend particular decisions to an elected municipal body. This change may leave less certainty in the application of local comprehensive plans to land use decisions of the municipal body.
The zoning authority of the municipality might have to pay the appointed hearing officer.
There are no fiscal implications to the State.