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SPONSOR: | Vigil | DATE TYPED: | 03/13/01 | HB | 689/aHAFC | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Transportation Management Info System Pilot | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Segura |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
$ 200.0 | Recurring | GF | |||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
The State Department of Education did not provide an analysis of the bill.
Synopsis of HAFC Amendment
The House Appropriations and Finance Committee has amended House Bill 689. The amendment is technical in nature and does not change the original intent of the bill.
Synopsis of Bill
House Bill 689 appropriates $200.0 to the SDE to continue the development of the public school transportation formula and to implement a pilot transportation management information system.
Significant Issues
According to the Legislative Education Study Committee, the State Transportation Director reported on additional site characteristics that affect school transportation operations. The report indicated that among site characteristics identified by SDE for formula refinements are roadway miles, elevation, and high fuel costs. It addition, it stated that charter schools have had an impact on district transportation allocations because charter school transportation costs are provided from the school district's annual transportation allocation.
The proposed legislation would fund a transportation information system that would determine site characteristics by school district.
House Bill 689 contains an emergency clause.
House Bill 689 appropriates $200.0 from the general fund and is recurring.
The SDE will provide the administrative oversight in the development and implementation of the system.