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SPONSOR: | Vigil | DATE TYPED: | 3-13-01 | HB | 541 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | East Las Vegas One-Stop Youth Career Center | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Taylor |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
$ 85.0 | Recurring | General Fund |
New Mexico Labor Department
New Mexico State Department of Education
Synopsis of Bill
House Bill 540 appropriates $85 thousand from the General Fund for the purpose of contracting for assistance for the East Las Vegas school district to establish a one-stop youth career center. The center will provide career and post secondary educational information, work permits, career preparation workshops and industry-recognized information technology training to prepare students for information technology jobs.
Suggested performance measures:
The appropriation of $85.0 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY02 shall revert to the General Fund.
The Labor Department reports that if they are to administer the program, they will need one additional FTE. However, the bill states that the appropriation is for a contract. The Labor Department's role would be restricted to contract management.
House Bill 540 makes an identical appropriation to the West Las Vegas Schools; House Bill 2/aSFC includes $50 thousand for the purposes proposed in this bill.