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SPONSOR: | Knauer | DATE TYPED: | 02/21/01 | HB | 487 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Northern NM Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Esquibel |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
$ 4,000.0 | Recurring | General Fund |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Relates to Appropriations in The General Appropriation Act including $1.5 million for substance abuse treatment in Rio Arriba county; and $2,450.0 for a substance abuse prevention initiative for youth.
Relates to SB786, SB628/HB783
LFC Files
No Response
Department of Health (DOH)
Synopsis of Bill
House Bill 487 appropriates $4 million from the general fund to the Department of Finance and Administration for the purpose of providing alcohol and substance abuse intensive intervention and treatment in Rio Arriba and Santa Fe counties. The funding would be divided into $2 million for adults services and $2 million for early intervention and treatment for at-risk children and adolescents.
Significant Issues
The appropriation of $4,000.0 contained in this bill is a recurring expense to the general fund. Any unexpended or unencumbered balance remaining at the end of FY02 shall revert to the general fund.
HB2 currently includes in the DOH FY02 budget approximately $9.5 million in general fund for substance abuse community programs including $1.5 million for substance abuse treatment in Rio Arriba county that has been funded for the past 2 years through Amistad Inc; and $2,450.0 for a substance abuse prevention initiative for youth that was a new program created in FY01.
HB487 relates to:
The bill does not define "at-risk" youth (i.e., low-income?), not does it define the services to be provided for adults and who would qualify.