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SPONSOR: | Taylor, J. G. | DATE TYPED: | 01/28/01 | HB | 161 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Revoke Legislative Authority on NMFA
Projects |
SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Linda M. Kehoe |
Years Impact |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||
FY01 | FY02 | |||
$ 43,702.7 | Non-Recurring | PPRF | ||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Revenue Decreases)
New Mexico Finance Authority
Synopsis of Bill
House Bill 161 removes legislative authorization for the New Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA) to make loans from the Public Project Revolving Fund for projects that are no longer in need of funding.
Significant Issues
House Bill 161, Section 1, subsections A. through BB. de-authorizes 28 different projects from 24 qualified entities statewide totaling approximately $43,702.7. According to NMFA, the highest officer representing each entity has been contacted and has confirmed the projects listed in the bill no longer require financial assistance. Section 2 contains an emergency clause.
The de-authorization of projects contained in House Bill 161 will increase the PPRF loan capacity by $43,702.7 for other loans.