March 11, 2001
SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENT number 1 to SENATE BILL 305, as amended
Amendment sponsored by Senator Michael S. Sanchez
1. Strike items #4 and #5 of Senate Judiciary Committee amendments.
2. On page 12, line 20, strike "imprisonment" and insert "confinement".
3. On page 13, strike line 14 in its entirety and insert "hours of confinement. If an".
4. On page 13, strike line 19 in its entirety and insert "hours of confinement. If an".
5. On page 14, line 9, strike "imprisonment" and insert "confinement".
6. On page 14, line 18, remove the bracket from "seventy-" and lined through material and strike lines 19 through 21 in their entirety and insert "120 hours of confinement or 30 days of community service. In addition to".
7. On page 14, line 25, strike the underscored material and insert "of confinement".
8. On page 15, line 5, strike the underscored material and strike "in jail" and insert "of confinement".
9. On page 15, strike lines 10 and 11 in their entirety and insert "of confinement or 60 days of community service. In addition to those".
SF1/SB 305 Page 2
10. On page 15, line 15, strike the underscored material and insert "of confinement".
11. On page 15, lines 19 and 20, strike the underscored material and strike "in jail" and insert "of confinement".
12. On page 17, line 22, strike "and".
13. On page 17, between lines 22 and 23, insert the following new paragraph:
"(2) "confinement" means in a county or state facility, community correctional facility, house arrest with electronic monitoring, in-patient rehabilitation or treatment center or other facility, provided the individual under confinement is in fact being detained or is subject to court sanctions for violating terms of the confinement; and".
14. Renumber the succeeding paragraph accordingly.
Senator Michael S. Sanchez
Adopted Not Adopted
(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)