Section 1. SHORT TITLE.--This act may be cited as the "Supplemental Performance Measures and Targets Act".

Section 2. DEFINITIONS.--As used in the Supplemental Performance Measures and Targets Act:

A. "activity" is a strategy or work process designed to achieve a common purpose with a given set of inputs, one or more of which constitute a program;

B. "efficiency measure" is an indicator of the cost of an activity in dollars or employee hours per unit of output or outcome;

C. "explanatory data" means information that can help users understand reported performance measures and to evaluate the significance of underlying factors that may have affected the reported information;

D. "outcome measure" is an indicator of the accomplishments or results that occur because of services provided by a program and is a measure of the actual impact or public benefit of a program;

E. "output measure" is an indicator of the quantity of a service or product delivered by an activity or program;

F. "performance measure" means a quantitative or qualitative indicator used to assess a state agency's performance;

G. "program" means a set of activities undertaken in accordance with a plan of action organized to realize identifiable goals and objectives based on legislative authorization;

H. "quality measure" is an indicator of the quality of a good or service produced and is often an indicator of the timeliness, reliability or safety of services or products produced by a program; and

I. "target" means the expected level of performance of a program's performance measures.


A. Under guidelines developed by the state budget division, in consultation with the legislative finance committee, each agency for which performance measures are established in Section 4 of the Supplemental Performance Measures and Targets Act shall file an annual report with the state budget division and the legislative finance committee analyzing the agency's performance relative to the performance measures and targets established for fiscal year 2002. The report shall compare actual performance for the report period with targeted performance based on the level of funding appropriated in the General Appropriation Act of 2001. In developing guidelines for the submission of agency performance reports, the state budget division shall establish standards for the reporting of variances between actual and targeted performance levels. The annual report for the period ending June 30, 2002 shall be filed with the state budget division and the legislative finance committee on or before September 1, 2002.

B. It is the intent of the legislature to continue to improve implementation of the Accountability in Government Act by emphasizing measures that are meaningful to the public and measures that cross agency lines by including them in the Supplemental Performance Measures and Targets Act and the General Appropriation Act of 2001. The legislature expects implementation of the Accountability in Government Act to improve as additional agencies submit performance-based budget requests and as agencies, the department of finance and administration and the legislative finance committee continue to cooperate on the development of programs, performance measures and targets. For those agencies that have already submitted performance-based program budgets, the legislature expects continued refinement of measures to improve their consistency, reliability and relevance, and continued emphasis on defining and measuring the constituent activities of a program.

C. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, each of the program measures and the associated targets contained in the Supplemental Performance Measures and Targets Act reflect performance to be achieved for fiscal year 2002. In the case where there are no targets for output, outcome, efficiency or quality measures, agencies are expected to develop baseline data for fiscal year 2002 and to propose targets when submitting budget requests for fiscal year 2003.

D. In concert with the annual agency strategic planning process required by the state budget division, the state budget division shall require that strategic plans, including internal and external assessments and development of programs and performance measures, be coordinated among the state agency on aging, human services department, department of labor, department of health and the children, youth and families department.




(1) Administrative support:

The purpose of the administrative support program is to provide administrative support to the chief

justice, all judicial branch units and the administrative office of the courts so that they can

effectively administer the New Mexico court system.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of operating adult, juvenile and other drug courts 23

(b) Output: Number of contracts reviewed 300

(c) Output: Percent of prior year audit exceptions resolved 100%

(d) Quality: Number of internal audits conducted 6

(e) Quality: Average number of days required to fill vacant positions in the

administrative office of the courts and magistrate courts 28

(f) Outcome: Percent of magistrate court facilities which meet supreme court

guidelines for safety, security and public access 50%

(g) Quality: Percent of court judges and staff who rate support services as

"satisfactory" or better 75%

(h) Outcome: Percent of policy guidance materials within past twelve

months 100%

(i) Outcome: Number of interpreters certified statewide 93

(j) Outcome: Number of case management projects in the courts 7

(k) Output: Number of audit exceptions 0

(l) Output: Number of jury summons printed 100,000

(m) Output: Number of jury orders filed 300

(n) Output: Average number of monthly payroll data entry errors made by human

resources division 12

(o) Quality: Average number of days to provide lists of potential jurors to

courts 2

(p) Quality: Percent of active projects on time on budget and on task 100%

(q) Quality: Average number of days from receipt of supply/equipment order to

mailing of requested items 10

(r) Input: Average number of monthly payroll errors submitted to administrative

office of the courts by staff 7

(s) Input: Dollar amount of outside grants obtained, in millions $1.2

(2) Statewide judiciary automation:

The purpose of the statewide judiciary automation program is to provide development, enhancement, maintenance and support for automation and usage skills for appellate, district, magistrate and municipal courts and ancillary judicial agencies so they can maintain records, manage cases, manage case-related financial receivables and provide information to court users and to the public.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of network, database and server complaints resolved within

two days 75%

(b) Efficiency: Average cost per user compared to Gartner Group industry standards $3,248

(c) Output: Hits on the judicial branch website case lookup and court user

applications 203,490

(d) Quality: Timeliness of backups occurring within published timeframes 75%

(e) Quality: Percent of time the website is available 95%

(f) Quality: Percent of on-time completion and deployment of planned solutions,

as compared to information technology plans approved by the judicial

information systems council or originally published schedules 75%

(3) Warrant enforcement:

The purpose of the warrant enforcement program is to enforce outstanding bench warrants and to collect outstanding fines, fees and costs in the magistrate courts so they may uphold judicial integrity.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of bench warrants issued 38,000

(b) Quality: Percent of defendant records submitted to tax refund intercept

program free of error 99%



(1) Tax administration:

The purpose of the tax administration program is to provide registration and licensure requirements for tax programs and ensure the administration, collection, compliance and enforcement of state taxes and fees that provide funding for services to the general public through fiscal appropriations.

Performance Measures:

(a) Efficiency: Average cost per audit

(b) Outcome: Edit error rate on combined reporting system returns processed 15%

(c) Outcome: Edit error rate on personal income tax returns processed 40%

(d) Outcome: Edit error rate on corporate income tax returns processed 15%

(e) Efficiency: Average unit cost of processing combined reporting system tax

returns, in dollars $0.50

(f) Efficiency: Average unit cost of processing personal income tax returns $1.10

(g) Efficiency: Average unit cost of processing corporate income tax returns $2.20

(h) Quality: Percent of deposits processed within twenty-four hour rule 97%

(i) Explanatory: Average number of auditor positions filled per month compared to

approved FTE 90%

(2) Motor vehicle:

The purpose of the motor vehicle program is to register, title and license vehicles, boats and motor vehicle dealers. The motor vehicle program enforces operator compliance with the motor vehicle code

and federal regulations by conducting tests, investigations and audits. These activities complement

the state's efforts to provide a safe, compliant environment for transportation and commerce.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of errors in processing transactions by field office clerks <10%

(b) Efficiency: Ratio of revenues compared to expenditures per field office

(3) Property tax:

The purpose of the property tax program is to administer the Property Tax Code and to ensure fair appraisal of property and the assessment of property taxes in the state of New Mexico.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Number of protest hearings conducted regarding commercial property

valuation 150

(b) Outcome: Number of counties achieving an eighty-five percent minimum of

assessed value to sales price 33

(c) Output: Number of workshops provided for county assessors and treasurers 4

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide information system resources, human resource services,

finance and accounting services, revenue forecasting and legal services in the taxation and revenue

department for the general public and the legislature in order to give agency personnel the resources

needed to meet departmental objectives. This program also provides a hearing process for resolving

taxpayer protests and to provide stakeholders with reliable information regarding the state's tax


Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Dollar accuracy of six-month revenue forecasts for non-volatile

broad-based taxes ±1.5%

(b) Quality: Dollar accuracy of eighteen-month revenue forecasts for non-volatile

broad-based taxes ±3%

(c) Quality: Dollar accuracy of six-month revenue forecasts for volatile taxes ±5%

(d) Quality: Dollar accuracy of eighteen-month revenue forecasts for volatile

taxes ±10%

(e) Quality: Average number of days to process payment vouchers from the date

request is received until transmission of the payment voucher to

department of finance and administration 5

(f) Quality: Provide prepared annual financial statements to independent auditors

in compliance with auditor due dates

(g) Quality: Percent of the oil and natural gas administration and revenue database

information technology projects completed within the timeframe established

in the information technology plan 10%

(h) Quality: Percent of information technology projects completed within the

timeframe established in the information technology project

description contained in the approved information technology plan or

by legislative or executive mandates 55%

(i) Outcome: Percent of prior year's audit findings resolved 95%

(j) Outcome: Number of DWI fatalities 190


(1) Policy development, fiscal and budget analysis and oversight:

The purpose of the policy development, fiscal and budget analysis and oversight program is to provide professional, coordinated policy development and fiscal and budgetary analysis and oversight to the

governor, the legislature and state agencies so that they can advance the state's policies and initiatives using appropriate and accurate data to make informed decisions for the prudent use of the public's tax dollars.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: General obligation bond rating from Moody's and Standard and Poor's Aa1/AA+

(b) Output: Number of months to complete general obligation bond issuance 5

(c) Output: Number of months to complete severance tax bond issuance 4

(2) Community development and local government:

The purpose of the community development and local government program is to provide federal and state oversight assistance to counties, municipalities and special districts with planning, implementation,

development and fiscal management so that entities can maintain strong, viable, lasting communities.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Number of local government entities judged to be in good financial

condition 80%

(b) Outcome: Error rate in budget reports submitted by local governments 5%

(c) Explanatory: Dollar amount of DWI grant funds administered, in millions $11.8

(d) Explanatory: Percent of motor vehicle traffic crash fatalities that were

alcohol-related 40%

(e) Output: Percent of pay requests submitted by DWI, E-911, school-to-work and

community development block grant programs that are processed by

fiscal services within five working days of receipt 95%

(3) Fiscal management and oversight:

The purpose of the fiscal management and oversight program is to provide for and promote financial accountability for public funds throughout state government and to provide state government agencies

and the citizens of New Mexico with timely, factual and comprehensive information on the financial

status and expenditures of the state.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Percent of state government agencies successfully using generally

accepted accounting principles 100%

(b) Outcome: Percent of state government agencies migrating from the agency

information management system to the central accounting system for

record keeping purposes 40%

(c) Quality: Percent of wage and other information returns prepared and filed per

internal revenue service deadlines 100%

(d) Explanatory: Percent of state government agencies implementing Governmental

Accounting Standards Board Statement 34 100%

(e) Output: Percent of disbursements made by departments and agencies vouchering

through the department of finance and administration that are

properly classified and comply with state statute 100%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide other department of finance and administration programs with central direction to agency management processes to ensure consistency, legal compliance and financial integrity; to administer the governor's exempt salary plan; and to review and approve professional services contracts.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Percent of documents processed within state-required processing

procedures that are charged to the correct accounting codes 99%

(b) Output: Number of days required to compile and make available data on all

approved professional services contracts for the prior calendar

month 15

(c) Output: Percent of correct payroll payments to employees on a biweekly basis 99%


(1) Employee group health benefits:

The purpose of the employee group health benefits program is to effectively administer comprehensive health benefit plans to state employees.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Number of lives covered by triple option point-of-service plan 11,000

(b) Explanatory: Number of lives covered by dual option point-of-service plan 11,000

(c) Explanatory: Number of lives covered by health maintenance organization plan 27,000

(d) Explanatory: Average per member per month cost per medical claim $160.45

(e) Explanatory: Medical services utilization

(f) Explanatory: Average cost per prescription drug claims $23.98

(g) Explanatory: Prescription drug utilization

(h) Explanatory: Average cost of medical plan, including prescription drugs, per life

covered $184.43

(i) Explanatory: Average cost per dental claim $45.57

(j) Explanatory: Dental services utilization

(k) Explanatory: Number of claims appealed 8

(l) Explanatory: Number of appealed claims denied 8

(2) Risk management:

The purpose of the risk management program is to protect the state's assets against property, public liability, workers' compensation, state unemployment compensation, local public bodies unemployment compensation, and surety bond losses so that agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Workers' compensation actuarial fund balance, in millions $1.2

(b) Explanatory: Workers' compensation premium percent change compared to the

industry average, within three percent

(c) Explanatory: Number of workers' compensation claims appealed 45

(d) Explanatory: Number of workers' compensation appealed claims denied 60

(e) Explanatory: Public liability actuarial fund balance, in millions $2.6

(f) Explanatory: Public liability premium percent change as compared to the industry

average, within three percent

(g) Explanatory: Public liability claims costs, in millions $39.8

(h) Explanatory: Number of public liability claims appealed 30

(i) Explanatory: Number of public liability appealed claims denied 250

(j) Explanatory: Public property actuarial fund balance for public property, in

millions $3.3

(k) Explanatory: Public property premium percent change compared to the industry

average, within three percent

(l) Explanatory: Number of public property claims appealed 0

(m) Explanatory: Number of public property appealed claims denied 125

(3) Information technology:

The purpose of the information technology program is to provide quality information processing and communication services that are both timely and cost effective so that agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.

Performance Measures:

(a) Efficiency: Percent of information processing operating and maintenance

expenditures to total operating costs 31%

(b) Explanatory: Number of mainframes in state agencies 2

(c) Efficiency: Percent of the number of available hours 99.98%

(d) Explanatory: Percent of digital networks to total networks 50%

(e) Outcome: Percent of customers satisfied with human resources system data

processing 80%

(f) Explanatory: Percent decrease in number of voice and data circuits in New Mexico

due to centralized circuits management

(g) Efficiency: Percent reduction in human resources system data processing

operating costs 5%

(4) Business office space management and maintenance services:

The purpose of the business office space management and maintenance services program is to provide employees and the public with effective property management and maintenance so that agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Average per-square-foot cost leased office space for agencies in

Albuquerque $17.29

(b) Explanatory: Average per-square-foot cost leased office space for agencies in

Santa Fe $18.34

(c) Explanatory: Average per-square-foot cost leased office space for agencies in Las

Cruces $16.30

(d) Explanatory: Percent of leased space to total space 17%

(5) Transportation services:

The purpose of the transportation services program is to provide centralized and effective administration of the state's motor pool and aircraft transportation services so that agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent reduction of the number of long-term fleet vehicles

exceeding the life cycle replacement criteria 25%

(b) Explanatory: Long-term vehicle utilization rate

(c) Outcome: Percent reduction of the number of short-term fleet vehicles

exceeding the life cycle replacement criteria 25%

(d) Efficiency: Cost of operation per vehicle per mile excluding overhead $0.09

(e) Efficiency: Cost per flight hour $978

(f) Quality: Percent of on-time aviation departures and arrivals 94%

(g) Efficiency: Percent of aircraft utilization 70%

(h) Explanatory: Number of state-owned passenger vehicles leased to state agencies 1,246

(i) Explanatory: Percent of agency-owned passenger vehicles transferred to the motor pool 48%

(6) Procurement services:

The purpose of the procurement services program is to provide a procurement process for tangible property for government entities to ensure compliance with the Procurement Code so that agencies can perform their mission in an efficient and responsive manner.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of counseling sessions held with small businesses 325

(b) Output: Percent increase in small business clients 10%

(7) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to manage the program performance process to demonstrate success.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of agency performance measures found to be valid and

reliable after first-year assessment 90%

(b) Explanatory: Average number of days required to process payment vouchers from the

request date to transmission of the voucher to the department of

finance and administration



(1) Marketing:

The purpose of the marketing program is to create and maintain an "image" or "brand" for the state of

New Mexico and influence in-state, domestic and international markets to directly affect the positive

growth and development of New Mexico as a top tourist destination so that New Mexico may increase its

tourism market share.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Number of e-mail inquiries received 61,639

(2) Promotion:

The purpose of the promotion program is to produce and provide collateral, editorial and special events

for the consumer and trade so that they may increase their awareness of New Mexico as a premier tourist destination.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of articles generated 112

(3) Outreach:

The purpose of the outreach program is to provide constituent services for communities, regions and other entities so that they may identify their needs and assistance can be provided to locate resources to fill those needs, whether internal or external to the organization.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of Indian training sessions conducted 13

(4) New Mexico magazine:

The purpose of the New Mexico magazine program is to produce a monthly magazine and ancillary products

for a state and global audience so that the audience can learn about New Mexico from a cultural,

historical and educational perspective.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Advertising revenue generated, in millions $1.43

(b) Outcome: Revenue generated through ancillary products $285,200

(c) Explanatory: Total surplus of the New Mexico magazine

(5) Program support:

Program support provides administrative assistance to support the department's programs and personnel

so that they may be successful in implementing and reaching their strategic initiatives and maintaining full compliance with state rules and regulations.

Performance Measures:

(a) Efficiency: Average number of days required to process department contracts,

purchase documents and payment vouchers from date of submission 5

(b) Outcome: Percent of prior year audit exceptions resolved 98%


(1) Community development:

The purpose of the community development program is to assist communities in preparing for their role

in the new economy, focusing on high-quality job creation, improved infrastructure and quality of place so New Mexicans can increase their wealth and improve their quality of life.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Of the one hundred three incorporated municipalities in the state,

the number of complete community profiles maintained on a database 42

(2) Job creation and job growth:

The purpose of the job creation and job growth program is to produce new high-paying employment opportunities for New Mexicans so they can increase their wealth and improve their quality of life.

Performance Measures:

(a) Efficiency: Cost per job created $350

(b) Output: Total number of businesses assisted 275

(c) Efficiency: Cost per business assisted $3,000

(3) Technology commercialization:

The purpose of the technology commercialization program is to increase the start-up, relocation and

growth of technology-based business in New Mexico so the citizens of New Mexico may have opportunities

for high-paying jobs.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Total number of telecommunications workshops or seminars

conducted by the agency 14

(b) Output: Total number of "ePortNM impressions" web site hits 6,500

(c) Output: Total number of high-tech businesses provided assistance by the

technology commercialization program 250

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide central direction to agency management processes and fiscal support to agency programs to ensure consistency, continuity and legal compliance.

Performance Measures:

(a) Efficiency: New audit findings over the previous fiscal year 0

(b) Efficiency: Percent of audit findings resolved over the previous fiscal year 100%


(1) Construction industries and manufactured housing:

The purpose of the construction industries and manufactured housing program is to provide code compliance oversight, issue licenses, permits and citations; perform inspections; administer exams; process complaints; and enforce laws, rules and regulations relating to general construction and manufactured housing standards to industry professionals.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: The percent of completed commercial field inspections of the number required by issued permits

(b) Output: Number of training sessions conducted for state building inspectors

(c) Quality: Percent of licensees and government entities that rate services provided by the construction industries and manufactured housing

program "good" or better on a "poor, satisfactory, good, excellent"

scale 75%

(d) Efficiency: Decrease in cycle time for processing of plan review and permitting

for residential construction 5%

(e) Outcome: Number of accidents caused by faulty liquid propane gas

installations in fiscal year 2000 0

(2) Financial institutions and securities:

The purpose of the financial institutions and securities program is to issue charters and licenses;

perform examinations; investigate complaints; enforce laws, rules and regulations; promote investor

protection and confidence so that capital formation is maximized and a secure financial infrastructure

is available to support economic development.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of licensees and government entities that rate services

provided by the financial institutions division "good" or better on

a "poor, satisfactory, good, excellent" scale 75%

(b) Outcome: Continuation of national accreditation Fully Accredited

(3) Alcohol and gaming:

The purpose of the alcohol and gaming program is to license qualified people and, in cooperation with

the department of public safety, to enforce the Liquor Control Act and the Bingo and Raffle Act to

ensure the sale, service, and public consumption of alcoholic beverages and the holding, operating and

conducting of games of chance are regulated to protect the health, safety and welfare of citizens and

visitors to New Mexico and the economic vitality of licensees.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of licensees and government entities that rate services

provided by the alcohol and gaming program "good" or better on a

"poor, satisfactory, good, excellent" scale 75%

(b) Explanatory: Number of administrative citations issued by the department of

public safety for sales of packaged liquor and service to minors in

fiscal year 2000 170

(c) Explanatory: Number of penalties imposed for sales of packaged liquor and service

to minors in fiscal year 2000 95

(d) Explanatory: Number of administrative citations dismissed for sales of packaged

liquor and service to minors in fiscal year 2000 4

(e) Explanatory: Number of administrative citations issued by the department of

public safety for sales of packaged liquor and service to

intoxicated persons in fiscal year 2000 26

(f) Explanatory: Number of penalties imposed for sales of packaged liquor and service

to intoxicated persons in fiscal year 2000 9

(g) Explanatory: Number of administrative citations dismissed for sales of packaged

liquor and service to intoxicated persons in fiscal year 2000 3

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide leadership and centralized direction, financial

management, information systems support, human resources support for all agency organizations in

compliance with governing regulations, statutes and procedures so they can license qualified

applicants, verify compliance with statutes and resolve or mediate consumer complaints.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of licensees and government entities that rate services

provided by program support "good" or better on a "poor,

satisfactory, good, excellent" scale 75%



(1) Preservation and collections:

The purpose of the preservation and collections program is to preserve New Mexico's cultural heritage for future use, education and enjoyment of all citizens of the state so they will better understand their cultural heritage.

Performance Measures:

(a) Efficiency: Average number of sites saved through compliance review per FTE

dedicated towards compliance review (total FTE dedicated equals seven

for fiscal year 2001) 285

(b) Quality: Percent of agency museum permanent collections, excluding

archaeological collections, that are accessioned (there were one

million one hundred twelve thousand four hundred twenty-eight

permanent museum items at June 30, 2000) 97%

(c) Output: Number of objects in museum permanent collections, excluding

archaeological collections 1,118,353

(2) Exhibitions and public programs:

The purpose of exhibitions and public programs is to present exhibitions and public programs to the public so they can participate in the state's cultural resources, thereby stimulating understanding about New Mexico and its relationship to other parts of the world.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Percent of visitors to agency facilities who are New Mexico

residents 36%

(b) Output: Total number of children aged seventeen and under attending 220,350

(c) Efficiency: Exhibitions square footage per FTE dedicated towards exhibitions

production (design, fabrication, installation) over 1990 level 2,399

(d) Output: Number of new exhibitions and public programs presented annually 68

(3) Education, outreach and technical assistance:

The purpose of the education, outreach and technical assistance program is to provide education and

outreach programs for New Mexicans and visitors of all ages, and to provide technical assistance to

all citizens requesting information or services in order to ensure a better understanding of New

Mexico's cultural heritage.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent increase in the number of single user sessions utilizing

office of cultural affairs websites 46%

(b) Outcome: Percent change over base fiscal year in state library's circulation

of library resources 3%

(c) Efficiency: Ratio of total revenue versus total expenses of the museum of New

Mexico press 1.1:1

(d) Quality: Percent of books published and distributed by museum of New Mexico

press annually that receive awards, critical acclaim, or more than

seventy-five percent favorable to excellent reviews 91%

(4) Cultural resources development:

The purpose of the cultural resources development program is to provide opportunities for the development and stabilization of cultural resources for organizations and local communities throughout New Mexico.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Total number of state dollars distributed statewide for arts

programming, public libraries, and historic preservation projects 1,958,000

(b) Efficiency: Dollar value of buildings rehabilitated through tax credit program

per state dollar of administrative support for the program 23:1

(c) Efficiency: Percent change in number of art-in-public-places projects completed

in not more than two meetings of a local selection committee 0%

(d) Outcome: Percent increase in computer workstations statewide in public

libraries 10%

(e) Output: Percent of requested funds that are awarded to arts organizations 50%

(5) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide administrative support for all programs and divisions to

assist the agency in delivering its programs and services so that it can serve its constituents.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent compliance with chief information officer

standards, mandates and statutory deadlines for desktop hardware 20%

(b) Efficiency: Average number of days to process payment vouchers 10

(c) Outcome: Percent of new contracts containing performance measures 100%

(d) Output: Number of worker compensation claims filed against agency 28

(e) Output: Number of audit findings resolved annually 3


(1) Healthy ecosystems:

The purpose of the healthy ecosystems program is to protect healthy ecosystems throughout the state by

identifying at-risk areas, especially those with high fire danger; preventing additional damage, restoring damaged areas; and increasing the use of renewable and alternative resources.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Percent of acres under energy, minerals and natural resources

department jurisdiction that are restored 1.5%

(b) Output: Number of acres of forestlands restored through inmate work camp

program 12,000

(c) Explanatory: Number of acres surveyed for insect or disease conditions in New

Mexico forests 1,650,000

(d) Explanatory: Cost per acre surveyed for insect or disease $0.02

(e) Output: Number of trainings and assists provided to rural fire departments

that serve as wildland fire suppression resources 300

(f) Output: Number of acres in cutting units approved for timber sales that

close out per year 10,500

(g) Explanatory: Cost per seedling for conservation tree seedling program, in dollars $1.03

(h) Output: Number of state-sponsored activities on renewable and alternative energy

providing public information, education and technical assistance 141

(i) Output: Number of gallons displaced as a result of state funded alternative

transportation projects 137,193

(2) Outdoor recreation:

The purpose of the outdoor recreation program is to create the best recreational opportunities possible in state parks by preserving cultural and natural resources, continuously improving facilities, providing quality, fun activities and to do it all efficiently.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Number of citations issued by state parks law enforcement 866

(b) Output: Number of reported boating safety incidents at state parks 100

(c) Output: Number of volunteer hours contributed 114,221

(d) Output: Percent of volunteer hours contributed to parks operations 2%

(e) Efficiency: Number of dollars saved by utilizing volunteers $576,000

(3) Voluntary compliance:

The purpose of the voluntary compliance program is to encourage mining, oil and gas operators to develop workable permits and to comply with those permits by providing sound technical review, monitoring operators and resolving violations.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Number of mines under the Mining Act without permit or closeout

plans 8

(b) Output: Number of customers served by outreach services and publications 1,594

(4) Program support:

The purpose of the program support program is to support department program functions so goals can be met by providing equipment, supplies, services, personnel, information, funds, policies and training.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of new contracts containing performance measures 100%

(b) Explanatory: Number of worker compensation claims filed against agency 45

(d) Output: Number of new employees requiring orientation during fiscal year 45

(e) Output: Number of sites visited to support services bureau 40

(f) Quality: Percent increase of users satisfied with level of service 50%

(g) Efficiency: Percent of new employees attending employee orientation within four

months of start date 95%


(1) Water resource allocation:

The purpose of the water resource allocation program is to provide beneficial use of the public surface and underground waters of the state to any person; association; corporation, public or private; the state of New Mexico; and the United States so they can maintain their quality of life and so they can efficiently use the available water supplies of the state for beneficial purposes.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of dam inspections completed per year 180

(b) Output: Percent reduction in the unprotested/unaggrieved water rights

application backlog 5%

(c) Output: Number of field checks completed by water masters for regulation of

decreed water flow 100

(d) Outcome: Percent of protested and aggrieved water rights applications

processed 15%

(2) Interstate stream compact compliance and water development:

The purpose of the interstate stream compact compliance and water development program is to provide representation of the state in the resolution of federal and interstate water issues and to investigate, protect, conserve and develop the water resources and stream systems of New Mexico, interstate and otherwise, for the people of New Mexico so they can have maximum, sustained beneficial

uses of available water resources.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of inter-agency technical and interdisciplinary teams

associated with the Rio Grande and Pecos river water management that

include cooperative efforts of the interstate stream commission 16

(b) Output: Number of acequia projects completed per fiscal year 14

(c) Output: Number of projects constructed for the benefit of preserving

endangered species as part of the San Juan recovery implementation

program 2

(d) Outcome: Number of acre-feet per year of Pecos river permanently increased

stateline flows via state purchase and retirement of water rights 8733

(e) Output: Percent of incomplete regional water plans, with state funding,

making satisfactory progress 43%

(f) Output: Percent of regions with unmet funding needs to complete their

regional water plan 71%

(3) Water rights protection and adjudication:

The purpose of the water rights protection and adjudication program is to obtain a judicial determination and definition of water rights within each system and underground basin as required by law so that the state engineer may effectively perform water rights administration and meet New Mexico's interstate stream obligations. This will prevent over-allocation of water and, during times of drought and water shortages, will establish the priorities for water usage.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of offers negotiated or litigated 4,200

(b) Output: Number of acres surveyed 19,000

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide necessary administrative support to state engineer programs so the agency can be successful in reaching its goals and objectives.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of applications abstracted and imaged into the water

administration technical engineering resource system database 6,290

(b) Outcome: Average percent of information technology system availability from

8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday 95%

(c) Outcome: Percent of applications abstracted and imaged into the water

administration technical engineering resource system database 7%



(1) Elder rights and health advocacy:

The purpose of the elder rights and health advocacy program is to provide support and education for

residents of long-term care facilities, older individuals and their families so they are aware of the

most current information about services and benefits, allowing them to protect their rights and make

informed decisions about quality service.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent increase in the number of client contacts from the previous

fiscal year in the health insurance benefits advisory corp 10%

(b) Output: Number of medicare and medicaid complaints received during the state

fiscal year 40

(c) Outcome: Percent of medicare and medicaid complaints referred to the proper

federal, state and other authorities 20%

(2) Older worker:

The purpose of the older worker program is to provide training, education and work experience to older

individuals so they can enter or re-enter the work force and receive appropriate income and benefits.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of senior mentors recruited and trained 18

(b) Output: Number of welfare-to-work participants served by mentors 178

(c) Outcome: Percent of individuals successfully completing the workforce

investment program 60%

(3) Community involvement:

The purpose of the community involvement program is to provide supportive social and nutrition services for older individuals so they can remain independent and involved in their communities.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of older individuals served who are low-income or

minority 12%

(b) Output: Number of legal assistance referrals 1,300

(c) Outcome: Percent of the clients attending legal clinics who receive follow-up

direct legal assistance 25%

(d) Output: Number of persons with Alzheimer's served 9,300

(e) Outcome: Percent of individuals participating in the state senior olympic

games who qualified for national games 16%

(f) Outcome: Economic value of volunteer service provided, in millions $22.5

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide internal administrative and management support to agency

staff, outside contractors and external control agencies so they can implement and manage agency programs.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of new incumbents who are formally informed of their job

duties and expectations within forty-five days of employment per

performance and appraisal development guidelines 90%

(b) Output: Number of days to fill a position 90

(c) Quality: Percent of payment vouchers approved by the financial control

division of the department of finance and administration when first

submitted 99%


(1) Medical assistance:

The purpose of the medical assistance program is to improve the health of low-income individuals by providing access to free or low cost quality health care.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of children enrolled in the medicaid program at end of fiscal

year 237,000

(b) Output: Percent of medicaid eligibles enrolled in the program 83%

(c) Output: Percent of children in medicaid managed care receiving childhood

immunizations from managed care providers 53%

(d) Outcome: Percent of children in medicaid managed care with improved outcomes

after receiving behavioral health treatment 81%

(e) Output: Percent of medicaid clients receiving a diabetes screen

(f) Output: Percent of medicaid long-term care budget dedicated to home- and

community-based services 27%

(g) Output: Number of persons enrolled in the medicaid buy-in for the disabled

program 1,450

(h) Efficiency: Cost per person served $4,993

(i) Efficiency: Medicaid expenditure forecast error ±3%

(j) Efficiency: Percent reduction of call abandon rate 3.0%

(2) Income support:

The purpose of the income support program is to improve the well being of eligible persons and families through work support programs, cash assistance, food and nutrition assistance, and ancillary services.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of new employments paying more than seven dollars per hour 35%

(b) Output: Percent of temporary assistance for needy families cases closed due

to earnings receiving transitional medicaid 65%

(c) Output: Number of eligible families receiving food stamp assistance 70,400

(d) Efficiency: Percent of temporary assistance for needy families program

applications processed in thirty days or less 90%

(3) Child support enforcement:

The purpose of the child support enforcement program is to provide financial and medical support to children through locating parents and establishing and enforcing support obligations.

Performance Measures:

(a) Workload: Number of child support cases 142,500

(b) Workload: Cases per child support enforcement officer 870

(c) Efficiency: Percent of total cases with arrears for which payments have been made 55%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide overall leadership, direction and administrative support to each agency program to achieve their programmatic goals.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of employee files containing performance appraisal

development plans completed by the employees' anniversary dates

(b) Output: Percent of alleged client fraud cases referred, investigated and

closed within thirty-five days 75%

(5) Cross-agency measures:

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Low birth weight rates compared to the national average of 7.6

percent 5%

(b) Outcome: Infant mortality rate per one thousand live births compared to

national average of 7.2 percent 4.5%

(c) Outcome: Suicide death rates for fifteen to twenty-four year olds per one

hundred thousand population compared to the national average of 11.4 20.5


(1) Operations:

The purpose of the operations program is to provide unemployment insurance, workforce development, welfare-to-work and labor market services that meet the needs of job seekers and employers.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of adults who received training and entered employment who

are still working six months later 74%

(b) Outcome: Percent of youth age fourteen to eighteen receiving workforce

development services who attain a high school diploma or equivalent 52%

(c) Efficiency: Percent of unemployment insurance first payments made within

fourteen to twenty-one days 89%

(d) Efficiency: Percent of inter-state unemployment payments made within thirty-five

days of week ending of first intracompensable week 93%

(e) Efficiency: Percent of lower authority appeals decided within forty-five days 85%

(f) Efficiency: Percent of higher authority appeals decided within forty-five days 50%

(g) Efficiency: Percent of higher authority appeals decided within one hundred fifty

days 95%

(h) Efficiency: Percent of status determinations for newly established employers

made within one hundred eighty days of the quarter end 80%

(i) Efficiency: Average number of days funds are on deposit in the state clearing

account before transfer of the state account in the unemployment

trust fund 2.0

(2) Compliance:

The purpose of the compliance program is to monitor and evaluate compliance with labor law, including

nonpayment of wages, unlawful discrimination, child labor, apprentices and wage rates for public works


Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Amount of funds collected annually for apprentice public works

projects $100,000

(b) Output: Number of schools provided technical training and assistance

regarding child labor laws 50

(c) Output: Number of training seminars conducted on civil rights 89

(d) Output: Number of days between receipt of complaint and assignment to

investigator 14

(e) Efficiency: Number of days from receipt of request to issuance of wage rates 4

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide overall leadership, direction and administrative support to each agency program to achieve their programmatic goals.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of computer downtime as compared to total computer uptime

capacity 5%

(b) Quality: Percent of days in fiscal year in which mainframe and local area

network data are backed up 95%

(c) Quality: Percent of computer related procurements and purchases that comply

with office of information technology management standards, mandates

and statutory guidelines 95%


(1) Rehabilitation services:

The purpose of the rehabilitation services program is to provide vocational rehabilitation services to

eligible people with disabilities so they can become employed and gain economic self-sufficiency, and

to promote independent living of individuals with disabilities.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of independent living goals determined 1,421

(b) Output: Number of severely disabled persons determined eligible and

receiving a sequence of individualized services designed to assist

them in achieving a vocational goal 6,000

(c) Outcome: Percent of independent living plans achieved of those developed 85%

(2) Disability determination:

The purpose of the disability determination program is to produce accurate and timely eligibility determinations to social security disability applicants so they can be allowed or denied social security disability benefits and to produce timely disability reviews for recipients.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of consultative exams required to complete disability claims 9,880

(b) Output: Number of individual disability claims and reviews processed 26,000


(1) Prevention, health promotion and early intervention:

The purpose of the prevention, heath promotion and early intervention program is to provide a statewide system of health protection, disease prevention, community health improvement and other public health services, including locally available safety net clinical services, for the people of New Mexico so the health of the public is protected and improved.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Low birth-weight rates compared to the national average of 7.6 percent 5%

(b) Explanatory: Infant mortality rate per one thousand live births compared to the

national average of 7.2 percent 4.5%

(c) Output: Number of women and families receiving agency-funded primary prevention

home visiting services 200

(d) Outcome: Percent of second grade children with sealant on at least one tooth

applied by public health division staff and contractors 45%

(e) Output: Number of schools in New Mexico providing physical activity and

nutrition programs 38

(f) Outcome: Percent of students with access to school-based health centers 11%

(g) Outcome: Percent change in past thirty-day use of alcohol among ninth through

twelfth graders served in agency programs -24%

(h) Outcome: Percent change in past thirty-day use of cigarettes among ninth

through twelfth graders served in agency programs -27%

(i) Explanatory: Suicide death rates for fifteen to twenty-four year-olds per one

hundred thousand population compared to the national average of 11.4 20.5

(j) Output: Number of clinic visits provided for diagnosis and treatment of

sexually transmitted diseases by trained clinicians at local health

offices 15,000

(k) Outcome: Annual New Mexico AIDS case fatality rate as a percent of New Mexico

AIDS cases <3%

(l) Output: Number of child car seat restraints distributed to low-income

families 2,400

(m) Outcome: Percent of children aged five through twelve using booster seats and

seat belt restraints 50%

(2) Health systems improvement and public health support:

The purpose of the health systems improvement and public health support program is to provide a

statewide system of epidemiological services, primary care, rural health, school health, and emergency

medical and quality management services for the people of New Mexico so they can be assured of access

to basic health services, timely response to emergencies and threats to the public health, and high

quality health systems.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Percent/number of nursing facilities surveyed by the licensing and

certification bureau 100%/84

(b) Output: Number of primary healthcare and emergency medical professionals

supported or obligated per year and working in underserved areas 60

(c) Output: Number of new healthcare practitioners recruited to work in rural

and underserved areas 35

(3) Behavioral health treatment:

The purpose of the behavioral health treatment program is to provide an effective, accessible, regionally-coordinated and integrated continuum of behavioral health treatment services that are consumer driven and provided in the least restrictive setting to help eligible New Mexicans become stabilized and improve their functioning levels.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of adults receiving community-based behavioral health

services for whom employment is a treatment issue who are receiving

employment related services 20%

(b) Outcome: Percent of adults receiving community-based behavioral health

services for whom housing is a treatment issue who report that

their housing situation is being addressed 20%

(c) Outcome: Percent of adults who become incarcerated during community-based

behavioral health treatment 20%

(d) Quality: Fort Bayard medical center will achieve accreditation by the

commission on accreditation of rehabilitation facilities

(4) Long-term care:

The purpose of the long-term care program is to provide an effective, efficient and accessible system

of regionally-based long-term care services for eligible persons in New Mexico so their quality of life and independence can be maximized.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Average total change in the functional independence measure score in

patients completing medical rehabilitation at southern New Mexico

rehabilitation center compared to the national average of

twenty-three percent 23%

(5) Administration:

The purpose of the administration program is to provide leadership, policy development and business support functions to the agency's divisions, facilities and employees so they may achieve the mission and goals of the department of health.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent and number of contracts with performance measures achieved

(b) Output: Number of contracts and amendments reviewed for legal sufficiency 1,950

(c) Quality: Percent of performance appraisal and development forms completed by

anniversary date


(1) Air quality:

The purpose of the air quality program is to monitor and regulate impacts to New Mexico's air quality to protect public and environmental health.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Pass/fail rate of air quality inspections 90%

(b) Outcome: Number of days the federal and state ambient air quality

standards are exceeded when caused by human activity and within the

jurisdiction of the department of environment 0

(2) Water quality:

The purpose of the water quality program is to monitor and regulate impacts to New Mexico's ground and

surface water for all users to ensure public and watershed health.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Number of all ground water contaminated sites 800

(b) Output: Number of all ground water contaminated site inspections completed 100

(c) Output: Number of completed site inspections of contaminated sites 100

(d) Output: Number of completed inspections of sites with pollution prevention

permits to ensure regulatory requirements are being met 200

(e) Efficiency: Percent of surface water total maximum daily loads completed

annually 100%

(f) Efficiency: Percent of communities surveyed within thirty days of project

completion where project was funded all or in part with construction

program bureau funds and achieve an average percentage satisfaction

ratio on these surveys 75%

(3) Resource conservation and recovery:

The purpose of the resource conservation and recovery program is to monitor, regulate and remediate impacts to New Mexico's soil and ground water in order to protect public and wildlife health and


Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Number of hazardous waste generators 2,500

(b) Output: Number of solid waste facility, hauler and infectious waste

generator inspections completed 250

(c) Efficiency: Percent of hazardous waste permits drafted within one year of the

application submittal date 50%

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide overall leadership, administrative, legal and information

management support to all department staff, the public and oversight and regulatory bodies to allow programs to operate in the most knowledgeable, efficient and cost effective manner and so the public

can receive the information it needs to hold the department accountable.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of employee files that contain performance appraisal

development plans that are completed by the employees' anniversary

dates 100%

(b) Efficiency: Average number of days required to process payment vouchers from the

date request is received until transmission of the voucher to the

department of finance and administration 3

(c) Output: Percent increase in green zia applications 10%

(d) Outcome: Percent of agency performance measures met within five percentage

points 60%


(1) Juvenile justice:

The purpose of the juvenile justice program is to provide rehabilitative services to youth committed to the department including but not limited to medical, educational, mental health and other services.

Services range from early intervention and prevention, detention and screening, probation and parole

supervision which are aimed at keeping youth from committing additional delinquent acts.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of eligible clients receiving a high school diploma in agency

facilities 114

(b) Output: Percent of clients who complete informal probation 73%

(c) Output: Percent of clients participating in education programs 90%

(d) Efficiency: Number of informal supervision or service cases 20,932

(e) Efficiency: Number of formal probation cases 7,912

(f) Efficiency: Number of re-adjudicated clients 1,250 (g) Outcome: Percent reduction in isolation placements 1.5%

(2) Child protective services:

The purpose of the child protective services program is to receive and investigate child abuse and neglect referrals, provide family preservation and treatment, legal intervention or other services to assure the safety of children.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of children with more than one substantiated report within

one year 2,262

(b) Efficiency: Number of children in foster care 1,830

(c) Outcome: Number of children with substantiated abuse or neglect by a foster

parent or facility staff while in foster care 16

(3) Prevention and intervention:

The purpose of the prevention and intervention program is to provide behavioral health, quality child care, and nutrition services to children so they can enhance physical, social and emotional growth and

development and can access quality care.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Average number of families accessing behavioral health services

monthly 2,180

(b) Output: Number of publicly-funded licensed and registered child care slots 23,450

(c) Output: Number of available licensed and registered child care slots 68,732

(d) Outcome: Percent of the state's low income eligibles who receive nutritious

meals through the child and adult care food care programs 90%

(e) Output: Average number of clients receiving domestic violence services 1,545

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide the direct service divisions with functional and administrative support so they may provide client services consistent with the department's mission

and also support the development and professionalism of employees.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Percent of automated systems availability 99%

(b) Output: Percent of prior year's audit findings resolved 85%

(c) Output: Number of department contracts that include performance measures 75

(d) Efficiency: Average number of days to fill vacant positions 75

(e) Quality: Percent of new supervisors attending mandatory training 85%



(1) Inmate management and control:

The purpose of the inmate management and control program is to incarcerate in a humane, professionally sound manner offenders sentenced to prison, and to provide safe and secure prison operations that

protect the public from escape risks and the prison staff/contractors and inmates from inmate violence

exposure to the extent possible within budgetary resources.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Population at penitentiary of New Mexico-south as a percentage of

available capacity 96%

(b) Output: Number of department-run correctional institutions with american

correctional association accreditation 10

(c) Outcome: Medical cost per inmate $10.66

(d) Outcome: Number of inmates completing behavioral programming requirements

steps one through five as a percent of those inmates who start


(e) Outcome: Number of level five unit graduate inmates who return to level five

and six within six months due to inappropriate behavior

(f) Explanatory: Percent of inmates classified in custody levels one through two 33%

(g) Explanatory: Percent of inmates classified in custody levels three through six 67%

(h) Explanatory: Percent of inmates budgeted in custody levels one and two 33%

(i) Explanatory: Percent of inmates budgeted in custody levels three through six 67%

(j) Quality: Percent of contract compliance at private prisons 85%

(2) Inmate programming:

The purpose of the inmate programming program is to provide motivated inmates the opportunity to participate in appropriate programs and services so they have less propensity toward inmate violence while incarcerated and the opportunity to acquire living skills and links to community support systems, which can assist them upon release.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Percent of reception diagnostic center inmates who receive necessary

mental health services per standard of care 100%

(b) Output: Percent of inmates without high school equivalency that are offered

general equivalency diploma 100%

(c) Output: Percent of inmates eligible for the federal Individuals with

Disability Education Act program offered special education services 100%

(d) Explanatory: Number of inmates who enter a therapeutic community program

(e) Explanatory: Number of inmates who exit a therapeutic community program

(f) Explanatory: Provide culturally sensitive spiritual-based after care programs 2

(g) Output: Number of prison facilities that provide conjugal/family visitation

programs to qualifying inmates 7

(3) Community offender management:

The purpose of the community offender management program is to provide programming and supervision to

offenders on probation and parole with increased emphasis on high-risk offenders to better ensure the

probability of them becoming law-abiding citizens, to protect the public from undue risk and to provide intermediate sanctions and post-incarceration support services as a cost-effective alternative to incarceration.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Number of offenders who abscond and are apprehended from probation

and parole supervision

(4) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide quality administrative support and oversight to the department operating units to ensure: quality hiring and in-service training for correctional officers; a well-trained professional workforce; a clean audit; effective budget and personnel management; and cost-effective management information system services.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of aggregate contract compliance of private prisons 85%

(b) Quality: Average number of days required to process payments from the date

the request is received until the transmission of the voucher to

department of finance and administration 25


(1) Law enforcement:

The purpose of the law enforcement program is to provide the highest quality law enforcement services

to ensure a safer New Mexico.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of state police officers 605

(b) Quality: Number of vehicles exceeding life cycle replacement criteria of

eighty thousand miles 243

(c) Outcome: Percent of state police recruits graduating from the state police

academy 70

(d) Explanatory: Number of motor vehicle fatalities 454

(e) Explanatory: Number of arrests for DWI 18,606

(f) Explanatory: Violent crime rate per one hundred thousand population, as reported

in the federal bureau of investigation's uniform crime report 834.5

(g) Output: Number of arrests for illegal alcohol sales 242

(h) Output: Number of arrests for domestic violence

(i) Output: Average response time in days for response to requests for tactical

and strategic intelligence 5

(j) Explanatory: Percent of violent crimes committed by gang members

(k) Explanatory: Percent of total drug-related arrests for crimes committed by gang


(l) Output: Number of officers trained in drug interdiction 80

(m) Output: Number of illegal drug arrests in alcohol and gaming establishments

(n) Explanatory: Property crime rate per one hundred thousand population, as reported

in the federal bureau of investigation's uniform crime report 5,127.6

(o) Explanatory: Baseline data to compare drug buys to drug arrests

(2) Public safety support:

The purpose of the public safety support program is to provide statewide training, criminal records services, forensic and emergency management support to law enforcement, governmental agencies and the

general public that enhances their ability to maintain and improve overall public safety in New Mexico.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of forensic DNA cases submitted 245

(b) Output: Number of forensic firearms cases submitted 160

(c) Quality: Number of unprocessed fingerprint cards 85,000

(d) Explanatory: Number of local law enforcement officers trained

(e) Explanatory: Number of local law enforcement officers certified

(f) Quality: Average satisfaction ratings on a scale of one to five from training

participants 3.75

(3) Information technology:

The purpose of the information technology program is to ensure access to information by its customers

and to provide reliable and timely information technology services to agency programs and law enforcement and other governmental agencies in their commitment to build a safer, stronger New Mexico.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of help desk calls that are resolved within agreed timeframe 20%

(b) Efficiency: Percent of agency compliance with state standards, mandates and

statutory deadlines 25%

(4) Accountability and compliance support:

The purpose of the accountability and compliance support program is to provide quality legal, administrative, financial, technical and auditing services to agency programs in their commitment to building a safer, stronger New Mexico and to ensure the fiscal integrity and responsibility of those


Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Average number of days required to process payments from the date

the request is received until the transmission of the voucher to the

department of finance and administration 18

(b) Outcome: Percent of prior year's audit findings resolved 100%

(c) Quality: Percent difference above prior year actual personnel bureau

internal pay errors resulted in manual warrants 10%



(1) Construction:

The purpose of the construction program is to provide improvements and additions to the state's highway infrastructure, including highway planning, finance, design and construction.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of non-interstate miles rated good 6,050

(b) Output: Number of interstate miles rated good 850

(c) Quality: Percent of project bids within ten percent of engineer's estimate 58%

(d) Outcome: Ride quality index for interstate highways 2.76

(e) Outcome: Ride quality index for non-interstate highways 1.76

(f) Outcome: Percent of roads with a high volume to capacity ratio 3.46%

(g) Outcome: Percent of state population served by multi-lane highways that

connect to New Mexico interstates 75%

(h) Explanatory: Percent of six-year funding compared to needs by federal fiscal year

ending September 30 21.5%

(i) Explanatory: Total department bond indebtedness by state fiscal year, in

millions of dollars $1,197.4

(2) Maintenance:

The purpose of the maintenance program is to provide maintenance and improvements to the state's highway infrastructure to preserve roadway integrity and maintain open highway access throughout the state system.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of shoulder miles of litter pick-up 183,000

(b) Quality: Number of miles in community/district adopt-a-highway program 1,867

(c) Outcome: Ride quality index for interstate highways 2.76

(d) Outcome: Ride quality index for non-interstate highways 1.76

(3) Traffic safety:

The purpose of the traffic safety program is to reduce traffic-related fatalities, crashes and injuries by identifying traffic safety problems, and developing and supporting comprehensive, multiple strategy initiatives to address safety concerns.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Total alcohol-involved fatalities for the calendar year ended

December 31, 2000 193

(b) Outcome: Total traffic fatalities for the calendar year ended December 31,

2000 436

(4) Public transportation:

The purpose of the public transportation program is to develop a coordinated public mass transportation program to increase transportation alternatives to citizens so they are not restricted to traveling by personal automobiles.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of welfare-to-work trips using public transportation in

thousands 21.3

(5) Program support:

The purpose of program support is to provide management and administration of financial and human resources, custody and maintenance of information and property, and the management of construction and

maintenance projects.

Performance Measures:

(a) Quality: Percent of employees who are generally satisfied working at the

department as measured by an independent annual survey 72%

(b) Efficiency: Percent of payments made in less than thirty days 95%

(c) Outcome: Amount of general liability loss experience, in millions of dollars $1.8



(1) Educational attainment of students:

The purpose of the educational attainment of students program is to provide a statewide educational system for public schools and other educational entities so they can increase academic achievement, decrease dropout rates, maintain high attendance, provide safe school environments, increase parent and community involvement, increase early literacy and end social promotion.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent implementation of safe schools plans 50%

(b) Output: Number of content area specialty tests for licensure being

implemented 7

(c) Output: Number of teachers on waivers

(d) Outcome: Percent of classrooms with connectivity to the internet

(e) Output: Ratio of computers to students 78%

(f) Outcome: Percent of parents of middle and high school students that report

that their child is safe at school 75%

(2) Financial and programmatic oversight:

The purpose of the financial and programmatic oversight program is to provide monitoring of public schools and other educational entities to ensure accountability so they can improve educational outcomes for students.

Performance Measures:

(a) Output: Number of public school districts implementing performance-based

program budgeting 51

(b) Outcome: Audit exceptions resolved

(c) Output: Statewide accreditation process: statewide decrease in the number of

citations for noncompliance

(d) Outcome: Number of districts receiving budget-related codicils

(3) Program support:

The purpose of program support to provide support services to agency staff and to public schools and other educational entities to enable them to implement the state board of education's strategic plan.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of internal and external customers who rate program support

services as satisfactory or better as measured by a survey 75%

(4) Public school and vocational education policy:

The purpose of the public school and vocational education policy program is to provide leadership and direction in policy development to provide guidance to school districts so that they can improve educational outcomes for students.

Performance Measures:

(a) Outcome: Percent of school facilities database used by the project-based funding

formula system for capital outlay improvements completed 75%



(1) Student financial aid:

The purpose of the student financial aid program is to provide access, affordability and opportunities for success in higher education to students and their families so that all New Mexicans can benefit from postsecondary education and training beyond high school.

Performance Measures:

(a) Explanatory: Number of high school graduates enrolled in a post-secondary

institution immediately after high school

(b) Explanatory: Number of high school graduates enrolled in a post-secondary

institution within four years of graduation

(c) Explanatory: Income range of lottery success scholarships recipients

Section 5. SEVERABILITY.--If any part or application of this act is held invalid, the remainder or its application to other situations or persons shall not be affected.

HAFC/H 972 -- Page 49