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SPONSOR: | HVEC | DATE TYPED: | 03/15/01 | HB | 933/HVECS/aHVEC | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Request for Absentee Ballot | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Woodlee |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY01 | FY02 | FY01 | FY02 | ||
See Fiscal Implications Narrative | Recurring | General Fund |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Secretary of State
Synopsis of HVEC Amendment
The House Voters and Elections Committee amendment to HEVC Substitute for HB 933 adds a voter's identification number as an option for identification to the county clerk. The original bill required either a social security number or date of birth.
Synopsis of Original Bill
The House Voters and Elections Committee Substitute for House Bill 933 changes the process by which a voter may request an absentee ballot.
Significant Issues
Currently, statute requires that an absentee ballot must be requested on a form prescribed, printed and furnished by the Secretary of State to the County Clerk. This bill will strike that provision and allow for the request to be in writing, in person, or by telephone. The voter must identify their social security number or date of birth and registration address. The bill prescribes a process in which the County Clerk shall record and document any request for an absentee ballot. In addition, the bill add the terminology of a "request" to all aspects referring to an absentee ballot "application." Finally, the bill extends the time in which absentee voters may vote from the Thursday prior to the election to the Saturday prior to the election.
The bill does not contain an appropriation. The agency analysis from the Secretary of State indicates that there is no fiscal implication. However, because the Secretary of State is currently charged with the prescription, printing and furnishing of the absentee ballot applications, then there is a slight cost associated with these activities, ranging between $5.0 and $10.0 per election. In addition, in FY99 the agency expended $32.8 on instructions for absentee voters. It is possible that these instructions will be unnecessary if the application form is discarded.