HB 160/a


March 16, 2001

Mr. President:

Your CONSERVATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred

HOUSE BILL 160, as amended

has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

1. Strike all house appropriations and finance committee amendments.

2. On page 3, line 7, strike "and".

3. On page 3, line 9, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof a semicolon.

4. On page 3, between lines 9 and 10, insert the following new subsections:

"V. to the Abiquiu mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

W. to the Alcalde mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

X. to the Barranco mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

Y. to the Blanco water users association for a water project;

Z. to the city of Bloomfield for a water feasibility study;

AA. to the city of Bloomfield for a wastewater project;

BB. to the Chamberino mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

CC. to the city of Deming and Luna county for a water project;

DD. to the Dixon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

EE. to the village of Floyd for a water project;

FF. to the village of Grady for a water project;

GG. to the La Luz mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project;

HH. to the city of Las Vegas for a water project;

II. to the village of Logan for a wastewater project;

JJ. to the Los Ojos mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

KK. to the Miami mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

LL. to the pueblo of Santo Domingo for a water and wastewater project;

MM. to the Truchas mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

NN. to the Chimayo mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

OO. to the Chupadero mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

PP. to the Cuatro Villas mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

QQ. to La Union mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

RR. to the Ojo Sarco mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

SS. to the Cottonwood mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

TT. to the city of Belen for a water and wastewater project;

UU. to the El Vadito de Los Cerrillos mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

VV. to the La Cienega mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

WW. to the San Jose community water system for a water project;

XX. to the Gonzales Ranch community water system for a water project;

YY. to the Sacatosa community water system for a water project;

ZZ. to the Aurora community water system for a water project;

AAA. to the Tecolote community water system for a water project;

BBB. to the Tajique community water system for a water project;

CCC. to the Manzano community water system for a water project;

DDD. to the San Ysidro community water system for a water project;

EEE. to the La Bajada community water system for a water project;

FFF. to the Cerrillos community water system for a water project;

GGG. to the Willard community water system for a water project;

HHH. to the Mountainair community water system for a water project;

III. to the Villanueva community water system for a water project;

JJJ. to the village of Canada de Los Alamos for water projects;

KKK. to the El Rito Placitas mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

LLL. to the Canjilon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

MMM. to the Canones mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

NNN. to the Cordova mutual domestic water consumers association for a wastewater project;

OOO. to the communities of El Duende, Rio Chama, Chili, Rio del Oso and La Cuchilla for water projects;

PPP. to the El Rito canyon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

QQQ. to the Vallecitos mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

RRR. to the Ensenada mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

SSS.  to the Gallina mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

TTT. to the Rio Chiquito mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

UUU. to the Tierra Amarilla mutual domestic water consumers association for a water and wastewater project;

VVV. to the Youngsville mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

WWW. to the El Rito mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

XXX. to the city of Espanola for a wastewater project;

YYY. to the El Valle water and sanitation district in Taos county for a wastewater project;

ZZZ. to the Buena Vista mutual domestic water and sewage works consumers association in Mora county for a water project;

AAAA. to the Del Rio mutual domestic water consumers association in Mora county for a water project;

BBBB. to the South Holman mutual domestic water consumers association in Mora county for a water project;

CCCC. to the Mora mutual domestic water and sewer association in Mora county for water and wastewater projects;

DDDD. to the Vadito mutual domestic water consumers association in Taos county for a water project;

EEEE. to the Chamisal mutual domestic water consumers association in Taos county for a water project;

FFFF. to the Mora mutual domestic water and sewer association in Mora county for a wastewater project;

GGGG. to the town of Vaughn in Guadalupe county for water system improvements;

HHHH. to the village of Corona in Lincoln county for water system improvements;

IIII. to the Dilia mutual domestic water consumers association in Guadalupe county for water system improvements;

JJJJ. to the city of Springer for a water project;

KKKK. to the city of Eagle Nest for a water project;

LLLL. to the city of Mosquero for a water project;

MMMM. to San Juan county to extend a new water line to the state line for the upper La Plata water users association water system;

NNNN. to the Cumberland mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

OOOO. to the Mescalero Apache tribe for a water and wastewater project; and

PPPP. to the village of Questa in Taos county to upgrade the wastewater system.".

5. On page 3, lines 20 and 21, strike "Twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000)" and insert in lieu thereof "Twenty million dollars ($20,000,000)".

Respectfully submitted,


Carlos R. Cisneros, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 6 For 0 Against

Yes: 6

No: 0

Excused: Jennings, Leavell, Sanchez, M.

Absent: None

H0160CO1 .138527.1