HB 158/a


March 8, 2001

Mr. President:

Your CONSERVATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred

HOUSE BILL 158, as amended

has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:

1. Strike House Appropriations and Finance Committee

Amendment 3.

2. On page 8, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following new subsections:

"HHHH. to the Abiquiu mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

IIII. to the Alcalde mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

JJJJ. to the town of Bernalillo for a building project;

KKKK. to the Blanco water users association for a water project;

LLLL. to the city of Bloomfield for a water project;

MMMM. to the city of Bloomfield for a wastewater project;

NNNN. to the Chamberino mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

OOOO. to the city of Deming and Luna county for a water and building project;

PPPP. to the Dixon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

QQQQ. to the village of Floyd for a water project;

RRRR. to the village of Grady for a water project;

SSSS. to the city of Las Cruces for a convention center;

TTTT. to the city of Las Vegas for a water project;

UUUU. to the village of Logan for a wastewater project and land acquisition project;

VVVV. to the Los Ojos mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

WWWW. to the Miami mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

XXXX. to eastern New Mexico university for the acquisition of equipment;

YYYY. to the city of Santa Fe for a water project;

ZZZZ. to the pueblo of Santo Domingo for a water and wastewater project;

AAAAA. to the Truchas mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

BBBBB. to the city of Tucumcari for a building and water project;

CCCCC. to the La Luz mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

DDDDD. to the Barranco mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

EEEEE. to the town of Taos, Taos county and the Taos independent school district for school improvements and equipment projects;

FFFFF. to the La Union mutual domestic water consumers association for a building renovation and water project;

GGGGG. to the county of Bernalillo for the acquisition of equipment;

HHHHH. to the city of Bloomfield for the acquisition of water rights;

IIIII. to the county of Chaves for the acquisition of equipment;

JJJJJ. to the city of Deming for the acquisition of equipment;

KKKKK. to the county of Eddy for the acquisition of equipment;

LLLLL. to the Gadsden independent school district for the acquisition of equipment;

MMMMM. to the city of Grants for a water and wastewater project;

NNNNN. to the city of Lovington for a water project and the acquisition of equipment;

OOOOO. to the county of McKinley for the acquisition of equipment;

PPPPP. to the city of Portales for the acquisition of equipment;

QQQQQ. to the city of Raton for the acquisition of equipment;

RRRRR. to the city of Rio Rancho for the acquisition of equipment;

SSSSS. to the city of Rio Rancho for special assessment district five project;

TTTTT. to the county of Roosevelt for the acquisition of equipment;

UUUUU. to the city of Roswell for the acquisition of equipment;

VVVVV. to the city of Santa Fe for the acquisition of equipment;

WWWWW. to the town of Taos for the acquisition of equipment;

XXXXX. to the county of Torrance for the acquisition of equipment;

YYYYY. to the city of Tucumcari for the acquisition of equipment;

ZZZZZ. to the county of Valencia for the acquisition of equipment;

AAAAAA. to the county of Santa Fe for the acquisition of equipment;

BBBBBB. to the city of Gallup for the acquisition of equipment;

CCCCCC. to the city of Espanola for the acquisition of equipment;

DDDDDD. to the city of Dexter for a water project;

EEEEEE. to the Mescalero Apache tribe for a water and wastewater project;

FFFFFF. to the city of Artesia for a wastewater project;

GGGGGG. to the Cottonwood rural water cooperative for a water project;

HHHHHH. to the Hope community ditch association for a water project;

IIIIII. to the city of Hagerman for fire equipment and a water project;

JJJJJJ. to the Cumberland cooperative water users' association for a water project;

KKKKKK. to the Penasco volunteer fire department for a water project and fire equipment;

LLLLLL. to the East Grand Plains fire department for fire equipment;

MMMMMM. to the High Sierra mutual domestic water consumer association for a water project;

NNNNNN. to the county of Valencia for a hospital project;

OOOOOO. to the city of Raton or Raton public service company for an electric utility project;

PPPPPP. to the Riverside water system for a water project;

QQQQQQ. to eastern New Mexico university at Roswell for a facility project;

RRRRRR. to the San Jose community water system for a water project;

SSSSSS. to the Gonzales Ranch community water system for a water project;

TTTTTT. to the Sacatosa community water system for a water project;

UUUUUU. to the Aurora community water system for a water project;

VVVVVV. to the Tecolote community water system for a water project;

WWWWWW. to the Monzano community water system for a water project;

XXXXXX. to the Tajique community water system for a water project;

YYYYYY. to the San Ysidro community water system for a water project;

ZZZZZZ. to La Cienega community water system for a water project;

AAAAAAA. to La Bajada community water system for a water project;

BBBBBBB. to the Cerrillos community water system for a water project;

CCCCCCC. to the Willard community water system for a water project;

DDDDDDD. to the Mountainair community water system for a water project; and

EEEEEEE. to the Villanueva community water system for a water project.".,

and thence referred to the FINANCE COMMITTEE.

Respectfully submitted,


Carlos R. Cisneros, Chairman

Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________

(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)

Date ________________________

The roll call vote was 5 For 0 Against

Yes: 5

No: 0

Excused: Cravens, Leavell, Payne, Sanchez, M.

Absent: None

H0158CO1 .138082.4