February 25, 2001
Mr. Speaker:
Your APPROPRIATIONS AND FINANCE COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred
has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:
1. On page 8, line 7, strike "and".
2. On page 8, line 10, strike the period and insert in lieu thereof a semicolon.
3. On page 8, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following new subsections:
"HHHH. to the Abiquiu mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
IIII. to the Alcalde mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
JJJJ. to the town of Bernalillo for a building project;
KKKK. to the Blanco water users association for a water project;
LLLL. to the city of Bloomfield for a water project;
MMMM. to the city of Bloomfield for a wastewater project;
NNNN. to the Chamberino mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
OOOO. to the city of Deming and Luna county for a water and building project;
PPPP. to the Dixon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
QQQQ. to the village of Floyd for a water project;
RRRR. to the village of Grady for a water project;
SSSS. to the city of Las Cruces for a convention center;
TTTT. to the city of Las Vegas for a water project;
UUUU. to the village of Logan for a wastewater project and land acquisition project;
VVVV. to the Los Ojos mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
WWWW. to the Miami mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
XXXX. to eastern New Mexico university for the acquisition of equipment;
YYYY. to the city of Santa Fe for a water project;
ZZZZ. to the pueblo of Santo Domingo for a water and wastewater project;
AAAAA. to the Truchas mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
BBBBB. to the city of Tucumcari for a building and water project;
CCCCC. to the La Luz mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
DDDDD. to the Barranco mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;
EEEEE. to the town of Taos, Taos county and the Taos independent school district for school improvements and equipment projects; and
FFFFF. to the La Union mutual domestic water consumers association for a building renovation and water project.".
Respectfully submitted,
Max Coll, Chairman
Adopted Not Adopted
(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)
The roll call vote was 10 For 0 Against
Yes: 10
Excused: Coll, Garcia, MH, Lundstrom, Marquardt, Mohorovic, Ponce, Salazar, Taylor, JP
Absent: None