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SPONSOR: | Pinto | DATE TYPED: | 02/01/00 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Rural Addressing in Mexican Springs Area | SB | 243 | ||||
ANALYST: | Kehoe |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
$ 80.0 | Recurring | GF |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to
LFC Files
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Bill 243 appropriates $80.0 from the general fund to the Office of Indian Affairs to contract for rural addressing services within the Mexican Springs Navajo Chapter located in McKinley County.
Significant Issues
Mexican Springs Chapter is located 19.2 miles north of Gallup and has a population of over 700. The land size of Mexican Springs is approximately 115,000 rural acres. The housing units lack address indicators which causes delays in emergency situations such as medical or ambulance assistance to the residents of Mexican Springs. The State Enhanced 911 fund provided a grant of $117,130 to McKinley county to do addressing for the county, excluding Navajo Nation lands within the county boundaries over a three-year period commencing in FY99. This bill will augment that effort for the Mexican Springs locality.
Senate Bill 243 appropriates $80.0 from the General Fund to the Local Government Division of the Department of Finance and Administration for fiscal year 2001. Any unexpended or unencumbered balances remaining at the end of FY2001 reverts to the general fund.
The appropriation in Senate Bill 243 is made to the Local Government Division of the Department of Finance and Administration. The division would enter into a Joint Powers Agreement for the rural addressing services.