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SPONSOR: | Feldman | DATE TYPED: | 1/27/00 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Native American Special Needs Children | SB | 139 | ||||
ANALYST: | Esquibel |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
100.0* | Recurring | General Fund |
*These funds would be available in FY00 and FY01.
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates/Conflicts with/Companion to/Relates to
Children, Youth and Families Department
Health Policy Commission
Department of Health did not respond
Human Services Department did not respond
Office of Indian Affairs did not respond
Synopsis of Bill
The bill appropriates $100.0 to the Department of Health (DOH) to contract for services for Native American special needs children including case management and coordination, information and referral, and basic education and orientation on dealing with urban living and health services organizations and providers.
The bill appropriates $100.0 in general fund in FY00 and FY01 to DOH.
The Health Policy Commission indicates some of the services prescribed in the bill may be reimbursable under Medicaid and DOH may be able to obtain federal Medicaid matching funds for these services.
Additionally, Native Americans are eligible for assistance and services through the Urban Indian Health program in Albuquerque which receives federal and state funds; and through the Santa Fe and Albuquerque Indian Health Service hospitals and clinics.
Also, Native Americans are currently eligible for case management services under the Children's Medical Services program.
The Children, Youth and Families Department indicates the case management services prescribed in the bill would need to be coordinated with case management services currently provided under the Medicaid SALUD! program; Medicaid fee-for-service program; Medicaid waiver programs; and other state and federally funded programs.
The Children, Youth and Families Department indicates the bill does not adequately define "special needs"; nor does the bill specify an age range for children eligible for services under the provisions of the bill.