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SPONSOR: | Altamirano | DATE TYPED: | 01/24/00 | HB | |||
SHORT TITLE: | Court Appropriations Act | SB | 34 | ||||
ANALYST: | O'Connell |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
$ 79,144.5 | Recurring | General Fund | |||
$ 9,085.2 | Recurring | OSF | |||
$ 833.5 | Recurring | IS/IAT | |||
$ 96.5 | Recurring | Federal |
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Duplicates House Bill 5
LFC files
Synopsis of Bill
Senate Bill 34 appropriates funds for the operations of the Supreme Court Law Library, New Mexico Compilation Commission, Judicial Standards Commission, Court of Appeals, Supreme Court, Administrative Office of the Courts, Supreme Court Building Commission, District Courts, and Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court.
Significant Issues
This bill represents the LFC recommendation.
Two items recommended by LFC that do not appear in Senate Bill 34 are appropriations for the Jury Summons program at the Administrative Office of the Courts ($50.0 in general fund) and the Magistrate Court Warrant Enforcement Fund at the Administrative Office of the Courts ($849.0 in other state funds). The appropriations for these items appear in the performance-based budgeting section of the General Appropriations Act of 2000.
The general fund impact is $79,144.5 for state court units, district courts and Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court. This appropriation is an increase of $3,386.8 (4.4 percent) from FY2000.
The other state funds portion of the budget is $1,048.8 for the New Mexico Compilation Commission, $3,082.8 for the Supreme Court Automation Fund, $288.0 for the Jury and Witness Fund, $848.2 for the Municipal Court Automation Fund, $1,909.6 for the 13 judicial districts and $1,907.8 for the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court.
The internal service funds/interagency transfers are $70.0 for the New Mexico Compilation Commission, $600.0 for the Jury and Witness Fee fund, and $163.5 for the 13 judicial districts.
The federal funds are $96.5 for the 13 judicial districts.
Senate Bill 34 funds base court operations for FY2001, as well as increases for magistrate rent costs, the Jury and Witness Fee Fund and the Court Appointed Attorney Fee Fund. Also, the bill includes funding for 14 new court clerk FTE in 12 of the district courts and at Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court.
Appropriations for the Jury Summons program and for the Magistrate Court Warrant Enforcement Fund (both at the Administrative Office of the Courts) are included in the General Appropriations Act.
Senate Bill 34 duplicates House Bill 5.