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SPONSOR: | HCPAC | DATE TYPED: | 02/14/00 | HB | HJM 10/HCPACS | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Definition of "Medical Necessity" | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Taylor |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
See Narrative |
Relates to SJM19
Human Services Department
Health Policy Commission
Synopsis of HCPAC Substitute
The House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee substitute for House Joint Memorial 10 resolves that the health policy commission form a task force to study and recommend a definition of medical necessity to be used in making decisions regarding health care for New Mexicans. The task force is to include representatives of the health care insurance industry, health care providers, consumer organizations and advocates and state agencies with responsibility in the health area. The health policy commission is to report its recommendations to the legislative health and human services committee at its September 2000 meeting.
There are no immediate fiscal implications related to the joint resolution. Of course, the ultimate recommendations of the proposed task force, if adopted, may have a fiscal impact.
The health policy commission reports that they can absorb the work required by the joint memorial using current resources.