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SPONSOR: | Picraux | DATE TYPED: | 01/27/00 | HB | 185 | ||
SHORT TITLE: | Library Division Electronic Databases | SB | |||||
ANALYST: | Valenzuela |
or Non-Rec |
Affected | ||||
FY00 | FY01 | FY00 | FY01 | ||
$ 360.0 | Recurring | General Fund | |||
(Parenthesis ( ) Indicate Expenditure Decreases)
Relates to HB2, SB2
LFC Files
Office of Cultural Affairs (OCA)
Synopsis of Bill
House Bill 185 appropriates $360.0 in general fund to the Office of Cultural Affairs to purchase access to an online database of medical and business journals. The appropriation is made to the State Library Division. Any unexpended balance shall revert to the general fund.
Significant Issues
The State Library Division made similar requests for this database in its FY01 base budget and program change request. Both the LFC and the Executive budget recommendations included funding for the database in the division's base operating budget.
A number of universities throughout the state subscribe to similar, if not the same, online periodical databases. Consequently, the state could have the opportunity to reduce its expenditures for these items. However, the State Library Division would have to complete an inventory of the existing online periodical databases, statewide, to determine duplication.
If passed, HB 185 would require an annual recurring general fund appropriation.
The general appropriation act includes funding for database equipment as a part of the LFC budget recommendation.