Section 1. AUTHORIZATION OF PROJECTS.--Pursuant to the provisions of Section 6-21-6 NMSA 1978, the legislature authorizes the New Mexico finance authority to make loans from the public project revolving fund to the following qualified entities for the following public projects on terms and conditions established by the authority:

A. to the Agua Pura mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

B. to the Agua Sana mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

C. to the Alamogordo public schools for the acquisition of computer software;

D. to the Alpine Village sanitation district for a water project;

E. to Angel Fire for fire equipment acquisition;

F. to the Anthony water and sanitation district for a water project;

G. to the Aragon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

H. to Artesia for a wastewater project;

I. to the Artesia rural water cooperative for a water project;

J. to Aztec for a building project;

K. to Bayard for a water project;

L. to Bayard, Santa Clara, or both, for a regional wastewater project;

M. to the Baylor Canyon water cooperative for a water project;

N. to Belen for a water project, two utility projects and the acquisition of fire equipment;

O. to Bernalillo for a wastewater project;

P. to Bloomfield for a wastewater project;

Q. to the Bluewater Lake mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

R. to the Bluewater water and sanitation district for a water project;

S. to Bosque Farms for a water project;

T. to the Brazito mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

U. to Brazos water cooperative for a water project;

V. to the Buena Vista mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

W. to the Butterfield mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

X. to Catron county for the Apache Creek fire department for a fire substation project;

Y. to Chama for a water and wastewater project;

Z. to Chaves county for the Berrendo fire district for equipment acquisition;

AA. to the Cumberland water system for a water project;

BB. to Chaves county for the Rio Felix volunteer fire department for equipment acquisition;

CC. to Cibola county for the Bluewater volunteer fire department for equipment acquisition;

DD. to Cimarron for a water project;

EE. to Clovis for a wastewater project;

FF. to Colfax county for a building project;

GG. to Colfax county for the Miami fire department for fire equipment acquisition;

HH. to Columbus for a water project, a road project and a refinancing project;

II. to Corona for a water project;

JJ. to the Cundiyo mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

KK. to De Baca county for a detention facility;

LL. to Deming for an infrastructure project and a water project;

MM. to the Desert Ranch water cooperative for a water project;

NN. to Des Moines for a water project;

OO. to the Dona Ana mutual domestic water consumers association for two water projects and a wastewater project;

PP. to the Dora water association for a water project;

QQ. to Edgewood for a wastewater project;

RR. to the El Prado water and sanitation district for a water project;

SS. to the state parks division of the energy, minerals and natural resources department for state park capital improvement projects;

TT. to the Entranosa water and wastewater cooperative association for a refinancing project and a water project;

UU. to Espanola for two water projects and a wastewater project;

VV. to the Farmbrough water cooperative for a water project;

WW. to Fort Sumner for a water project;

XX. to Gallup for a water project;

YY. to the Garfield mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

ZZ. to Gonzalez Ranch mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

AAA. to Grants for a water project;

BBB. to Hidalgo county or Hidalgo medical center, or both, for a primary care facility;

CCC. to the High Rolls community water cooperative for a water project;

DDD. to Hope for a water project;

EEE. to the Hope water cooperative for a water project;

FFF. to Jal for a water project;

GGG. to Jemez Springs for a wastewater project;

HHH. to the La Mesa mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

III. to the La Puebla mutual domestic water consumers association for a regional water project;

JJJ. to the La Union mutual domestic water consumers association for equipment acquisition;

KKK. to Las Cruces for a water project;

LLL. to Las Vegas for a wastewater project;

MMM. to the Lee Acres water users association for a water project;

NNN. to the Longhorn Estates water cooperative for a water project;

OOO. to Lordsburg for a water project;

PPP. to Los Alamos county for a water project;

QQQ. to Los Lunas for a water project;

RRR. to the Los Sisneros mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

SSS. to Loving for a water project;

TTT. to Lovington for a water project and a wastewater project;

UUU. to Luna county for the Sunshine fire district for fire equipment acquisition;

VVV. to Magdalena for a water project and for the acquisition of fire equipment;

WWW. to McKinley county for the acquisition of law enforcement vehicles, computer equipment and road equipment;

XXX. to Mesilla for a water project;

YYY. to the Mesquite mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

ZZZ. to the Moquino water system for a water project;

AAAA. to the Mora mutual domestic water consumers association and the mutual sewer works association for a water project;

BBBB. to Moriarty for a building project;

CCCC. to Mosquero for a water project;

DDDD. to the Mountain View mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

EEEE. to the Nogal mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

FFFF. to the north central solid waste planning committee, Rio Arriba county, Los Alamos county, Espanola, San Juan pueblo, Santa Clara pueblo or all or any of the above for an environmental study;

GGGG. to the North Star domestic water consumers and mutual sewer works cooperative for refinancing and for a water project;

HHHH. to the Organ water and sewer association for a water project;

IIII. to the Otis water cooperative for a water project;

JJJJ. to the Pena Blanca water and sanitation district for a water project;

KKKK. to the Peoples water cooperative for a water project;

LLLL. to Picuris pueblo for a wastewater project;

MMMM. to Pie Town for a drinking water project;

NNNN. to the Pineywoods Estates water association for a water project;

OOOO. to the Placitas West water cooperative for a water project;

PPPP. to Portales for a water project;

QQQQ. to the Quemado mutual domestic water consumers and sewer association for a water project;

RRRR. to the Ramah chapter of the Navajo nation or the Navajo nation for a water project;

SSSS. to Raton for a regional water project;

TTTT. to Raton, the Raton public service company, or both, for the acquisition of equipment;

UUUU. to Roswell for a drinking water project;

VVVV. to Ruidoso for a water project and a building project;

WWWW. to the San Acacia water association for a water project;

XXXX. to San Jon for a water project;

YYYY. to the San Mateo mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

ZZZZ. to San Miguel county for law enforcement vehicle acquisition;

AAAAA. to San Miguel county for the Sapello-Rociada fire department for fire equipment acquisition;

BBBBB. to the San Pablo mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

CCCCC. to the San Rafael water and sanitation district for a water project;

DDDDD. to San Ysidro for police equipment acquisition and for a water project;

EEEEE. to Santa Clara for a water project;

FFFFF. to Santa Fe for two water projects, water equipment acquisition and remote sensing and control equipment;

GGGGG. to Santa Rosa for a water project, equipment acquisition, a fire substation project and the acquisition of law enforcement equipment;

HHHHH. to Sierra county for a building project;

IIIII. to Socorro county for the Abeytas fire department for equipment acquisition;

JJJJJ. to Sunland Park for a wastewater project;

KKKKK. to the Tabletop water users association for a water project;

LLLLL. to the Tajique mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

MMMMM. to Tijeras for a water project;

NNNNN. to Torrance county for a judicial complex;

OOOOO. to Torrance county for the McIntosh fire department for fire equipment acquisition;

PPPPP. to Truth or Consequences for a wastewater project and a water project;

QQQQQ. to Tucumcari for water and wastewater projects and a street project;

RRRRR. to the board of regents of the university of New Mexico for the Gallup branch or to the Gallup branch for a building project;

SSSSS. to Upper Hondo soil and water conservation district for a building project;

TTTTT. to Valencia county for a solid waste project;

UUUUU. to Valencia county for the Valencia El Cerro fire department for an equipment acquisition project;

VVVVV. to Valencia county for the Valencia Rio Grande fire department for an equipment acquisition project;

WWWWW. to Vaughn for fire equipment acquisition;

XXXXX. to Virden water system for a water project;

YYYYY. to Watrous mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

ZZZZZ. to Angel Fire, Eagle Nest, Red River, Taos, Taos county intergovernmental council or all or any of the above for regional solid waste projects;

AAAAAA. to the Desert Sand mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

BBBBBB. to the Dixon mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project;

CCCCCC. to the Guadalupe soil and water conservation district for an infrastructure project;

DDDDDD. to Mountainair for a wastewater project;

EEEEEE. to Rio Rancho for a water project; and

FFFFFF. to the Tierra Amarilla mutual domestic water consumers association for a water project.

Section 2. VOIDING OF AUTHORIZATION.--If a qualified entity listed in Section 1 of this act has not certified to the New Mexico finance authority by the end of fiscal year 2003 its desire to continue to pursue a loan from the public project revolving fund for a public project listed in that section, the legislative authorization granted to the New Mexico finance authority by that section to make a loan from the public project revolving fund to that qualified entity for that public project is void.


6-21-6 NMSA 1978, the legislature authorizes the New Mexico finance authority to use funds on deposit in the public project revolving fund to purchase loans from the trust estates created for the authority's pooled equipment certificates of participation series 1994A, equipment certificates of participation series 1995A, equipment certificates of participation series 1996A and equipment certificates of participation series 1996B, which loans were used to finance the following projects:

A. Angel Fire police department for equipment acquisition;

B. Bayard fire department for a pumper truck;

C. Carlsbad fire department for a pumper truck;

D. Chama for fire station additions;

E. Chaves county for the Berrendo fire district for a fire apparatus;

F. Chaves county for the fire district 8 for a fire apparatus;

G. Cibola county for the Candy Kitchen fire district for a brush truck;

H. Cibola county sheriff's department for vehicle acquisition;

I. Colfax county for the French Tract fire department for a fire station building;

J. Corrales for a fire apparatus;

K. Cuba for a fire station building;

L. Curry county for the Pleasant Hill fire department for a fire station building;

M. De Baca county for the Lake Sumner fire district for a fire apparatus;

N. De Baca county for the Lake Sumner fire district for a steel building;

O. Des Moines for a fire apparatus;

P. Eagle Nest fire department for an equipment truck;

Q. Gallup police department for a blood alcohol testing vehicle;

R. Grant county for the Whiskey Creek fire district for a fire substation building;

S. Grant county for the Lower Mimbres fire district for the acquisition of pumper trucks;

T. Grants for road equipment and police vehicles;

U. Guadalupe county for the Anton Chico fire district for a brush truck;

V. Guadalupe county for the acquisition of dump trucks;

W. Guadalupe county for the acquisition of sheriff vehicles;

X. Hagerman for the acquisition of a fire apparatus and a substation building;

Y. Harding county for the rural fire district 1 for a brush unit;

Z. Jemez Springs police department for a vehicle;

AA. Las Vegas for various equipment;

BB. Las Vegas for a fire apparatus;

CC. Lincoln county for the Glencoe-Palo Verde fire district for a fire apparatus;

DD. Lincoln county for the Fort Sumner fire district for a class A pumper;

EE. Lordsburg for a road grader;

FF. Lordsburg for a garbage truck;

GG. Lovington fire department for a fire truck;

HH. Lovington police department for an IBM AS400 computer system;

II. Luna county for the Florida Mountains fire district for a fire apparatus;

JJ. Mora county for the Guadalupita volunteer fire district for a fire station project;

KK. Mora county for the Mora fire district for a fire station;

LL. Mora county for the Watrous volunteer fire district for fire station additions;

MM. Portales fire department for a class A pumper;

NN. Quay county for the Bard-Endee fire district for a brush truck;

OO. Quay county road department for blades and a dozer;

PP. Quay county for the Jordan fire district for a fire apparatus;

QQ. Quay county for sheriff vehicles;

RR. Red River fire department for a tanker;

SS. Red River police department for a vehicle;

TT. Rio Arriba county for the Chamita fire district for a fire apparatus;

UU. Rio Arriba county for the Tierra Amarilla fire district for a fire station building;

VV. Rio Rancho for a fire apparatus;

WW. Ruidoso for a street sweeper;

XX. San Jon fire department for a pumper;

YY. San Jon for a backhoe;

ZZ. San Jon for a fire apparatus;

AAA. San Jon for a police vehicle;

BBB. Santa Fe county for sheriff and other vehicles;

CCC. Santa Fe county for the Pojoaque volunteer fire district for a brush and rescue unit;

DDD. Santa Rosa for police vehicles;

EEE. Socorro county for various equipment;

FFF. Sunland Park fire department for fire station construction;

GGG. Taos county for the Ojo Caliente fire district for a brush truck;

HHH. Tatum police department for a vehicle;

III. Tatum for a flatbed and pickup;

JJJ. Torrance county for the northeast Torrance county fire district for a fire apparatus;

KKK. Torrance county for the McIntosh fire district for a fire station and water system;

LLL. Tularosa for water meter equipment;

MMM. Union county for the Grenville fire district for a fire apparatus; and

NNN. Williamsburg for a police vehicle.

Section 4. EMERGENCY.--It is necessary for the public peace, health and safety that this act take effect immediately.

HB 65

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