Legislative Education Study Committee

The Legislative Education Study Committee (LESC) is a permanent, bipartisan, and bicameral interim committee of the New Mexico State Legislature. It was created in 1965 to conduct a continuing study of public education in New Mexico, including the laws governing public education, the policies and costs of the New Mexico educational system, and the preparation of educators in postsecondary institutions.

LESC is staffed by full-time policy and fiscal analysts who serve the Legislature and the public by providing research grounded in evidence, data, community voice, and partnerships that benefit New Mexico students and educators.

Prior to each legislative session, LESC makes recommendations to the Legislature in the form of a bipartisan public education budget and a set of committee-endorsed bills. Budget and policy proposals endorsed by LESC are informed by the committee’s interim study of education, built upon a strong foundation of evidence, analysis, and community voice. Through its ongoing study of education, LESC strives to enact policies resulting in positive change for New Mexico’s education system.

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