February 17, 2025
Mr. President:
Your JUDICIARY COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred
SENATE BILL 109, as amended
has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:
1. On page 15, line 1, before "The", insert the subsection designation "A.".
2. On page 15, line 1, strike "may" and insert in lieu thereof "shall".
3. On page 15, line 3, strike the subsection designation "A." and insert in lieu thereof the paragraph designation "(1)".
4. On page 15, line 4, strike the subsection designation "B." and insert in lieu thereof the paragraph designation "(2)".
5. On page 15, line 5, strike the subsection designation "C." and insert in lieu thereof the paragraph designation "(3)".
6. On page 15, line 6, strike the subsection designation "D." and insert in lieu thereof the paragraph designation "(4)".
7. On page 15, line 7, strike the subsection designation "E." and insert in lieu thereof the paragraph designation "(5)" and strike the closing quotation mark.
8. On page 15, between lines 7 and 8, insert the following new subsection:
"B. The agency shall perform the duties outlined in Sections 62-19-8 through 62-19-19 NMSA 1978, which may be carried out by any organizational unit within the agency."".
9. On page 16, line 5, remove the brackets and the line through "shall" and strike the underscored language.
10. On page 17, line 13, remove the brackets and the line through "commission" and strike the underscored language.
11. On page 18, line 7, remove the brackets and the line through "commission" and strike the underscored language.
12. On page 19, line 8, remove the brackets and the line through "shall" and strike the underscored language.
Joseph Cervantes, Chair
Adopted_______________________ Not Adopted_______________________
(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)
Date ________________________
The roll call vote was 7 For 0 Against
Yes: Brantley, Duhigg, Maestas, O'Malley, Paul, Stewart, Thornton
No: 0
Excused: Cervantes, Wirth
Absent: None
SB0109JU1.wpd .230998.1