February 3, 2025
Mr. Speaker:
Your EDUCATION COMMITTEE, to whom has been referred
has had it under consideration and reports same with recommendation that it DO PASS, amended as follows:
1. On page 3, line 4, strike "MEM" and insert in lieu thereof "students".
2. On page 7, line 15, after "index", insert ", the English learner three-year average rate".
3. On page 7, line 19, after the period, insert:
"For its second and third fiscal year of operation, a charter
school's operating budget shall be based on the number of program units generated by the school and its students using the average of MEM on the second and third reporting dates of the prior year, the at-risk index and English learner three-year average rate of the school district in which the charter school is located and the charter school's staffing cost multiplier.".
4. On page 7, line 19, strike "second" and insert in lieu
thereof "fourth".
5. On page 7, line 24, after "index", insert ", the charter school's English learner three-year average rate".
6. On page 11, line 17, strike "a" and insert in lieu thereof "the preceding".
7. On page 12, lines 11 through 14, remove the brackets and line-through.
8. Renumber the succeeding paragraphs accordingly.
9. On page 13, line 13, strike "a" and insert in lieu thereof "the preceding".
10. On page 13, line 19, strike "academic" and insert in lieu thereof "school".
and thence referred to the APPROPRIATIONS & FINANCE COMMITTEE.
Respectfully submitted,
G. Andres Romero, Chair
Adopted Not Adopted
(Chief Clerk) (Chief Clerk)
The roll call vote was 11 For 0 Against
Yes: Baca, Chatfield, Cullen, Garratt, Gonzales, Gurrola, Lara, Mirabal Moya, Romero, GA, Torres-Velásquez, Vincent
No: 0
Excused: Roybal Caballero
Absent: None
Z:\2025 Session\CommitteeReports\HB0063EC1.wpd